
Published on:

23rd May 2021

Commissioned - Outward Looking | Andy Elmes | 23rd May 2021

Today is Pentecost Sunday and saw the beginning of a new series ‘Commissioned’ with this week’s title being Outward Looking. Pastor Andy speaks of us having our marching orders from Matthew 28 and how Family Church is going to be a flourishing Church coming out of lockdown, stepping into the next season. Key points from this Great Commission will be our focus in this series – Go; Make Disciples and Teach Kingdom ways of life to people and how they can walk in obedience to the ways that Jesus has taught us to live. Those three key aspects are our focus as a church coming out of lockdown into a time of flourishing that God has got for us.

To begin, we must be a people of “Go”, sitting doing nothing will not get us anywhere and certainly not see any disciples made! The Great Commission isn't a commission alone? It's a Go-Mission. It's the great Go-Mission. We need to be outward-looking.

When you watch our lives, it seems often we don't believe in Him. When we're outside the church, we stay quiet, we don't tell others and we’re not outward looking. But believe the power of the Holy Ghost is coming (even on this day called Pentecost Sunday!) to shake us up to a fresh awakening to be an outward-looking people, not a ‘stay’ people. We are all entrusted with a message; all are ambassadors to carry a message that has the power to take a person from Death to Life. Every believer, every follower of Jesus has been entrusted with a message, not just to be evangelists in the church, but everywhere we go. We have the power and the authority so how can we stay quiet?

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Family Church Portsmouth
Sunday Mornings at Family Church Portsmouth
Listen to messages recorded at our Portsmouth congregation of Family Church.
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