
Published on:

13th Feb 2022

Crowd or Disciple | Andy Elmes | Sunday 13th Feb 2022

Following on from the theme of running your best lap ever, Pastor Andy this week speaks about being either within the crowd or moving towards being a true disciple of Jesus. We find this is in fact a journey we are all pursuing. For the last few weeks, thoughts have been based around Hebrews 12; 1-2. We spoke about getting rid of stuff…we could be on the track, in our lane, but with a backpack on and someone holding our leg, we are very much hindered. The weights of forgiveness, bitterness and so forth weigh down our backpacks….

Today, Andy speaks about choosing the athlete experience over the crowd experience. Let’s get trained and seriously run our best lap for God this year. We all begin in the crowd and probably meet Jesus there, but God wants us to move towards being a disciple, something personal between ourselves and Jesus. Jesus always blessed the crowd, healed the sick but often called people out to become disciples. He also told them they would need to leave behind things that they had in their previous lives. Every believer should be stepping out of an initial crowd experience into something more personal with God. Of course, we still remain crowd in the context of us being Church! The church is still God's master plan on the earth. We are planted in a church with people who love God, but are on the planet to change the planet.

Pastor Andy then spoke about letting God into the ‘chipboard’ of our lives, rather than just the veneer; taking all personal responsibility and ownership for what we've got going on with God; and also of a greater commitment of you walking daily by the truth - not just having emotional moments in meetings. 

So, God I'm going to live in your word and by your spirit this year. This is about what He will now do in our lives as we develop this discipleship. Galatians 6; 8-10 (NIV) states “Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers”.

Let us have the best Church connection we can have but also be committed to being athletes running our best lap yet as disciples for God. The crowd heard Jesus teach from afar; the disciples walked closely with Jesus. The crowd watched miracles; the disciples handled them! To be an athlete, rather than a spectator, it may cost more; involve more training; be more inconvenient… but it’s worth it!

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Family Church Portsmouth
Sunday Mornings at Family Church Portsmouth
Listen to messages recorded at our Portsmouth congregation of Family Church.
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