Gods Word is Truth | Andy Elmes | 9th March 2025
Ps Andy continues the series on the word of God, this week speaking about the fact that The Word is Truth. Many other life philosophies and ideologies present themselves in the modern world but few remain constant and only God's Word is real or true Truth as Ps Andy explains.
Andy revisits John 12:32 (NIV) "And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself". This verse is prominent in this years' Family Church Vision statement. There's a principle here. When Jesus is lifted up, he causes multiplication and increase. It says "when I Am is lifted from the earth...". The Bible refers to God as the I am in the old and in the new testaments. Today we celebrate The Great I Am, which is Jesus Christ, when we choose to magnify His Word in our lives, the Word of God Bible scripture. We're causing multiplications when when we choose to magnify His word in our lives, things break out, breakthroughs occur.
When we turn to God's word, it's the kind of truth that can transform us and set us free. Ps Andy speaks about how we need to abide in The Word, not use Jesus as breakdown service,,,, we need to purpose to be sold out for Jesus and Him alone. Mixing up ideologies in our lives will only cause chaos.
This is a challenging message!