The Currency Of Our Life | Andy Elmes | 9th February 2025
Ps Andy speaks this week on the occasion of his 60th birthday, a special celebration of life. Every day we spend cannot be gained again. He demonstrates this with a bag of coins representing each year of his life. Like all of us, some are well spent, some not so. He explains how important it is to spend the currency of our life wisely in accordance with God's plans for us, treating life like the gift that it is. Ps Andy explains how he is both grateful and inspired when he comes to birthdays. We should be grateful for the good things that God has done, and also inspired about what He has ahead for us.
In Psalm 139:16 the Psalmist writes how God's eyes saw our unformed body and how all our days were ordained in His book before they came to be. Andy goes on to speak about God's ability to redeem the coins of our life which were not spent well. When we live for God's purposes in our live, not only are we given future coins to spend, but (because He is outside of time & space), he can to step into wasted moments and redeem them. Joel 2:25 (NIV) "I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten, the great locust and the young locust". This redemption is a financial term getting back things that were spent and adding them again to our account. How good is God?
Every one of us will stand one day before the Lord face to face. Let us take this appointment seriously, spending the currency of our days wisely, leaving a precious legacy.